What is Baby Bottle Tooth Decay?

You can start giving your child proper dental care even before their first tooth grows. It doesn't matter that they are going to lose their baby teeth anyway, because healthy baby teeth protect their permanent teeth too. Baby bottle tooth decay, a common kid's dental condition, threatens your baby's oral health. Pediatric dentistry in Wellington, OH, with your dentists, Dr. Maryann Jacko, Dr. Jonathan Siefker, and Dr. Leah Divito of Wellington Dental has got your child's teeth covered.

What is Baby Bottle Tooth Decay?

Baby bottle tooth decay is tooth decay in babies associated with feeding bottle use. It usually affects the two upper teeth but can affect other teeth. Baby bottle tooth decay can severely damage your child's teeth if you don't handle it on time. Healthy teeth are important for kids to eat and speak properly. Using a feeding bottle as a pacifier before bed is one of the common causes of baby bottle tooth decay, but other factors may contribute to its development.

Causes of Baby Bottle Teeth Decay

Exposing your child's fragile teeth to drinks containing lots of sugar for extended periods is one of the common causes of baby bottle tooth decay. For instance, giving your child fruit juice in a baby bottle. Feeding too close to bedtime could also be responsible.

Another factor that increases your child's risk of baby bottle decay is bacteria transfer from your mouth. Transferring a spoon from your mouth to your child's mouth can transfer tooth decay-causing bacteria to your child.

Preventing Baby Bottle Decay

These tips should help reduce your child's risk of baby bottle decay:

Oral Hygiene - Brush your child's teeth gently twice daily if they're over a year old. You can wipe your kid's gums with a clean washcloth if they're younger than a year old.

Don't Let Your Baby Go to Sleep With a Bottle - Putting your baby to sleep with a bottle especially if it contains high sugar drinks such as soda and juice is bad for their teeth.

Don't Share Saliva - Don't put your baby's spoons or pacifiers in your mouth to reduce the chances of transferring oral bacteria to your baby.

See Your Pediatric Dentist - By Your child's first birthday, take them to see your pediatric dentist for their first appointment. Routine dental appointments for pediatric dentistry in Wellington, OH, are essential for your child's dental care.

Baby bottle decay is a major threat to your child's oral health. Pediatric dentistry in Wellington, OH, with your dentists, Dr. Jacko, Dr. Siefker, and Dr. Divito of Wellington Dental will help protect your child's oral health. Call (440) 647-2752 to schedule an appointment with your pediatric dentist.



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